Saturday 20 June 2020

POLITICS OF PERFIDY -By - Lanre Ogunjobi

Politics, from my point of view is about touching the lives of others in a quest to serve the people; using the legitimate power bestowed by the plurality of votes of a free people for the common good of the people. While  retiring at the end of the day to live in peace amidst the people you have dutifully served, your name goes down in history as one who has served humanity and is remembered as one with so much honour even after death. 

The above typifies the kind of leadership qualities exemplified by iconic leaders like Mahatma Ghandi, Obafemi  Awolowo, Kwame Nkruma, Julius Nyerere, Ahmadu Bello, Zik of Africa as well as Mandela; among many world leaders of note in the past. They could be said to have engaged in politics of wellbeing as they catered for their people rather than their pockets. 

Today, politics has taken new dimensions. Unnecessary chicanery, vindictiveness, mudslinging, character assassination, sabotage and other crooked antics  that makes  politics to be viewed as immoral are now rife in our society. It's an era where whoever is seen as opponent gets unwholesome treatment in the form of barefaced lies, blackmail, vindictive criticism, schism and unnecessary bad blood in order to sway the impressionable minds for the ungodly reasons of drawing sentiments from the unsuspecting public.

Since politics is a game of number, there has never been any limit to the shenanigans of such ungodly undoings of perceived opponents. It happens at different levels;  intra or inter party levels, and the ultimate end is either to have an edge over the other person or to destroy in order to make an entry to political stardom and reckoning. After all, all is fair in war. 

Even when these lots of wannabes who don't mean well attempt to expunge morals from politics, history is replete with men and women who stood for enduring ideals in faith, perseverance, service and forthrightness. While observing this scenario, history is rich with numerous examples of treacherous men and women who had taken such routes and their calamitous end is a lesson to those who do not wish to repeat a sordid past. 

I reckon that politics shouldn't come with deliberate blindness where armchair critics, who never see anything good in any government or individuals take the centre stage. Good at criticism, but lack the moral muscle when it comes to providing better alternatives to what they criticise. They have no idea to lend a hand. They have no traceable path that inspires anyone. They have penchant for 'pull him down' syndrome which has been inimical to the development of a sane society. 

My first encounter with the word, 'perfidy' was from the late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, in the early 80s. Chief Awolowo at a time, when recounting his travails in the course of his voyage  in politics, was moved to specifically mention some people who betrayed him or tried to put him down. He described them as perfidious elements and predicted how they would end their lives. He called them "sons of perdition". Surprisingly, Chief Awolowo's prediction came to pass in the lives of such individuals before his death. Perfidy does not pay. Lying and destroying others in order to lower their esteem as well as create hatred and suspicion about people we lie against do not pay. It's like the pancreas that is cooked with food which is gulling as well as bitter. 
Yes, treacherous people may gain the momentary advantage(s) they desire but they will surely pay dearly for such evils.
The end result is always a bitter one. Many people may not know but when karma comes calling, those who triumphed in evil would always experience a debilitating end while the undiscerning people around would come to sympathise.

If only we are for progress, our quest to play politics and be relevant shouldn't come with bitterness. We must always remember that for every evil we do against our fellow men to gain advantage, there's always a pay day; a time of recompense. For it's written, whatsoever we sow, we shall reap. 

 Like the characters in the days of Chief Awolowo, anguish, defeat and regrets are always the rewards of perfidious people especially at the twilight of their lives. 

Politics cannot be dirty if men and women of noble character play it. It's these same perfidious people that corrupt our politics. Politics should be about integrity, honesty, forthrightness, conscientiousness and truth.
It is my hope that this piece will communicate to somebody; somewhere. I hope it will save someone from a calamitous end.
It's another brighly beautiful day.

LanreOgunjobi;SnrKosija @oshojokini